Vietnamese traditional coffee. Please note for sugar level 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% or no sweet and note for non-dairy if needed.
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Cafe Sua Da

Cafe Sua Da

Iced coffee with condensed milk.


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Ube Matcha Iced Latte

Ube Matcha Iced Latte

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Coffee Iced Latte ( Bac Xiu)

Coffee Iced Latte ( Bac Xiu)

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Lavender Coffee Iced Latte

Lavender Coffee Iced Latte

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Black Iced Cafe (16oz)

Black Iced Cafe (16oz)

Sweetened. Please note if you want no sugar.
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Brown Sugar Matcha Iced Latte

Brown Sugar Matcha Iced Latte

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Caramel Coffee Iced Latte

Caramel Coffee Iced Latte

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Strawberry Matcha Iced Latte

Strawberry Matcha Iced Latte